[Challenge] Back to the Classics 2018

Eine schöne Idee, um die Leute dazu zu animieren, sich öfter an die Klassiker zu wagen. Da ich mich auf diesem Gebiet sowieso weiterbilden möchte, passt die Challenge sehr gut zu meinen Vorsätzen für 2018.

Gehostet wird die Challenge von Karen von Books and Chocolate.

Es gibt unterschiedliche Kategorien und je nachdem, wie viele man davon erfüllt, bekommt man sog. Tickets. Die sind mir aber nicht wichtig, da ich am schlussendlichen Gewinnspiel nicht teilnehmen werde/möchte. Mein Ziel ist es einfach, so viele Punkte wie möglich zu erfüllen.

Dies sind die Kategorien (kopiert von Karen):

1. A 19th century classic - any book published between 1800 and 1899.

2. A 20th century classic - any book published between 1900 and 1968. Just like last year, all books MUST have been published at least 50 years ago to qualify. The only exception is books written at least 50 years ago, but published later, such as posthumous publications.

3. A classic by a woman author. 

4. A classic in translation. Any book originally written published in a language other than your native language. Feel free to read the book in your language or the original language. (You can also read books in translation for any of the other categories). Modern translations are acceptable as long as the original work fits the guidelines for publications as explained in the challenge rules.

5. A children's classic. Indulge your inner child and read that classic that you somehow missed years ago. Short stories are fine, but it must be a complete volume. Picture books don't count!

6. A classic crime story, fiction or non-fiction. This can be a true crime story, mystery, detective novel, spy novel, etc., as long as a crime is an integral part of the story and it was published at least 50 years ago. Examples include The 39 Steps, Strangers on a Train, In Cold Blood, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, etc. The Haycraft-Queen Cornerstones list is an excellent source for suggestions. 

7. A classic travel or journey narrative, fiction or non-fiction. A journey should be a major plot point, i.e.,The Hobbit, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, Kon-Tiki, Travels with Charley, etc.

8. A classic with a single-word title. No articles please! Proper names are fine -- Emma, Germinal, Middlemarch, Kidnapped, etc.).

9. A classic with a color in the title. The Woman in White; Anne of Green Gables; The Red and the Black, and so on.

10. A classic by an author that's new to you. Choose an author you've never read before.

11. A classic that scares you. Is there a classic you've been putting off forever? A really long book which intimidates you because of its sheer length? Now's the time to read it, and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised!

12. Re-read a favorite classic. Like me, you probably have a lot of favorites -- choose one and read it again, then tell us why you love it so much.

Grundsätzlich gelten alle Bücher, die älter als 50 Jahre sind und in 2018 gelesen werden. Es müssen Rezensionen verlinkt werden. Jedes Buch gilt nur für eine Kategorie, nicht mehr als drei Kinderbücher und es ist erlaubt, mehrere Bücher vom selben Autoren zu lesen.

Über weitere Details könnt ihr euch auf der Challenge-Seite informieren.


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